Thursday, August 13, 2015

86: Solenoid Water Valves

My new mistakes:

1. The image above shows 2 seemingly identical .5 inch plastic valves. But the one on the right has tapered threads (about $10 from Adafruit). The left (cheaper) one did not. To get the brass fittings screwed on I had to carefully file down the end threads so I could get the adapters screwed on without butchering the plastic. Very time-consuming -- and irritating.

2. Also, why did I go cheap? For about $25 I could have a brass valve to go with the pair of $15 fittings. And the whole thing would likely have been more reliable.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

85: The Particle Photon Moves Up
* updated 8/26/15 *

My $19 Photons are moving farther ahead of Arduinos and edging toward Rpi. Having accurate time functions available from the cloud makes a difference. It isn't crontab but operations can be scheduled. See Getting connected to wifi & the cloud is a cinch; program development: not so great (yet)!