112: Display Pi Camera Image over Mac Terminal/SSH
(simpler would be nice)
On the Pi install the feh command:
pi$ sudo apt-get update
pi$ sudo apt-get install feh
In Mac Terminal:
Find the name of your Pi with something like the "Ip Scanner" app.
mac$ ssh -X pi@yourPiName.local # Connect to the Pi using X11
Enable X11 file transfer on the Pi:
pi$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Change this line:
# ForwardX11 no
ForwardX11 yes
Save and reboot the Pi.
Be sure XQuartz is running on the Mac -- then in Terminal (SSH as above) do:
pi$ feh yourImageFile
The image will display in a new Mac window. To get rid of it, type ESC.
pi$ man feh
Will hint at how the feh command works.